
Board of Christian Education
Board of Christian Education is responsible for choosing the curriculum for Sunday School classes and approval of the general format and support of Christian education programs including Sunday School, Adult Education, Vacation Bible School, Youth Groups and special projects. The board also coordinates special musical Christmas and Children’s Day programs with the Choir Director and Sunday School Superintendent. The board is responsible for oversight of the Avon Baptist Church Scholarship Fund and Jr./Sr. Baptist Youth Fellowship.

Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons has the general oversight of the spiritual life of the Church, assisting and aiding the Pastor in the performance of the Pastor’s duties. In cooperation with the Pastor, the Deacons have responsibilities for all worship services making sure there are ushers, and that the sanctuary is appropriately prepared.

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the upkeep and management of all real and personal property of the Church.

Board of Finance
The Board of Finance recommends an annual budget for the Church to the church members. The board conducts an annual Stewardship drive to secure pledges in support of the annual budget. The Memorial Committee is a sub-committee of the Board of Finance and oversees gifts given to the Church.

Music Committee
The Music Committee plans for musical concerts, hymn sings and programs throughout the year. They advise and guide the Music Director concerning overall policy relating to the music of the Church. They oversee the purchase of music, musical supplies and instruments, and are responsible for the maintenance of instruments.

Mission Committee
The Mission Committee is responsible for creating and maintaining a missionary interest throughout the Church. We also donate funds to America for Christ, One Great Hour of Sharing, World Missions, Retired Ministers and Missionaries and many local organizations.

Hospitality Committee
This committee is comprised of many people from the church who are responsible for the refreshments served following Church services on Sundays.

Nursery School Committee
The Avon Nursery School, as a ministry of the Avon Baptist Church provides our community with a safe, loving environment in which all children may thrive and excel as they begin their educational journey. This committee has full responsibility for conducting the business of the Avon Nursery School, including establishing policies and procedures, interviewing and hiring administrators, teachers and other employees.